Black Veil Part 1 "Loose stitches"

The gate to the throne room felt cold against Illithir's palm. He pushed inwards and was greeted by the smooth scent of vanilla. The throne room itself was dark and tall. Illithir closed the gate behind him quietly. Waving his hand he lit the torches on the wall beside him. As the room illuminated he could make out the objects around him more clearly. The throne of Lord Malkoven Volkov Sat at the end of the roo, behind that was a dark curtain. Illithis stepped into the center of the room and took it all in. A slight wind blew down from above, slipping through his silver hair. He stoofd about five feet and six inches from the ground. His dark skin glistened in the firelight. He stood silently, listening with his keen elf ears to make sure his presence was yet unnoticed. He heard nothing and his lips parted with a smile. This was it, his triumph! For months Illithir had waited to be accepted into the emperor's court and get close enough to Volkov to end that monster's reign of terror over the drow. Now was his time. Illithir slipped behind the curtain and extinguished the lights. It was time to wait, wait for the one who had made Illithir's life a living hell.

Hours passed and Illithir began to wonder if he had gotten the timing wrong. 

"Has Volkov left early on his journey to the south? Have I missed my opportunity to free my people?"

Illithir listened intently. 

Still nothing.

Then in the silence a soft word could be heard:


Illithir was suddenly thrown from his hiding place and over the throne into the center of the room. As his body hits the floor the torches flare to life.

"My, my. Who might you be?" The soft and yet powerful voice of Malkoven Volkov came from above Illithir, who writhed on the floor as he attempted to get up. 

Illithir stood and glared at the ceiling, "I am the one who will bring you to your knees you foul creature!"

At first there was silence like nothing Illithir had ever heard before. 

Then, a low chuckle, "Is that so?" Volkov appeared out of a dark fog surrounding his throne with a smile splitting his pale face. "I have been alive longer than some of the continents on this planet and have faced more enemies than you could possibly imagine and you expect a simple dark elf such as yourself to be able to end me?"

Th confidence that had filled Illithir before was gone, it had been replaced with a sense of dread. His eyes wandered to the curtain behind Volkov and he couldn't help but smile.

"My lord, since two years ago we have all noticed how your powers have diminished. You cannot hold back that which you sealed away as the result of her death."

Illithir slid the blade hidden in his sleeve into his and threw it, not at Volkov, but at the curtain and the dark veil behind it.

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