Mundus' Geography


The Countries of Mundus


Government: Monarchy
Capital: Braxus
Important info: Trynita is the largest and one of the strongest countries in all of Mundus. Trynita gained all of it's wealth and land through mass slavery and conquest over the last two hundred years. Trynita is currently at war with Lasirith.


Government: Monarchy
Capital: Welliourn
Important info: This kingdom is completely ruled and inhabited by elves. Adaline tries to stay out of world affairs but is inevitably pulled in by it's ally Brinoriand.


Government: Magoracy (Historic) Unknown (Current)
Capital: Ilunivi (Historic location) Unkown (Current)
Important info: Originally Iejir was run by dark elves but legend says that the powerful vampire Malkoven Volkov constructed a coup that completely irradicated their empire. Since then very little is known about Iejir but there are reports that Volkov still rules from a hidden fortress and is waiting for the next opportunity to strike.


Government: Republic
Capital: Corvista
Important info: Brinoiriand is best known for it's hard-fast policy on peace. This country will avoid conflict at almost any cost but their military is counted as possibly one of the strongest in all of Mundus.


Government: Primarily run by clans
Capital: Ulgiin (Largest city and meeting place for the clans)
Important info: A savage land with unending beauty. This country is more of a no-mans-land and is referred to more as a region than a country.


Government: Unknown
Capital: Eriswen
Important info: Orvella is run by monks and is the most peaceful country in Mundus. Most of the land is uninhabited thanks to powerful warding magic placed around the entire country. Most of Orvella is isolated from the rest of the world. The magic that creates the barrier around Orvella is known as 'The great barrier" by outsiders and "The Edge" by Orvellians.


Government: Rogue clans and Barbarian societies.
Capital: The port city of Vorwick
Important info:Tundrus is a wasteland dominated by those who fear nothing. There is very little here that draws the eye.


Government: Monarchy
Capital: Gestoblius
Important info: Currently magic is outlawed with the exception of the military due to the war against Trynita.


Government: Unkown
Capital: Unknown
Important info: This is the twin island of Negrine and part of the island cluster of Isumiu.


Government: Unknown
Capital: Unknown
Important info:This is the twin island of Dorwine and part of the island cluster of Isumiu.

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