
The History of Mundus

In the beginning there was an absence of everything. There was only Ipsimus, a deity that far surpasses all that even the Elves know. First he created the Quingue, Six much weaker deities who were named the Gelus in the Eldar tongue. The Gelus were known by the names of Humis, Ignus, Aquila, Venta, Amicus, and Pravius. Of the Gelus Amicus and Pravius were most at odds at all times before, during and after the creation of Mundus (Fanulf). Humis and Aquila were married and Ignus and Venta were also married.

After two thousand years of seeing his first creations squabble, for Humis, Ignus, Aquila and Venta sided with Amicus. Ipsimus created Mundus and called upon Humis to form the land, Ignus to form the core and moutains, Aquila to form the waters of the land, and Venta formed the clouds and skies. To Amicus Ipsimus gave this world as a gift for his faithfulness. This gift outraged Pravius but he kept it hidden. After a time Amicus saw that the world was barren and without the beauty of life so he descended and brought life into the world green things began to sprout and the world began to thrive. Seeing the work of Amicus the other Gelus (with the Exception of Pravius) also came down to the world. This was the first splitting of the Gelus. Pravius decided he would rather his title be of the Sular. Thus the Gelus and the Sular split. After a time of peace in Mundus Pravius' anger became too strong and he descended in secret to the far north of Mundus.

For the remainder of the world Pravius and the Gelus were at war. With each creation that the Gelus made Pravius would create an opposing force. Often he would take a creation and twist it with dark magic to suit his own purposes. Finally in the 3,000 year the Gelus made the Elves in secret and they began to thrive. The Gelus named the Elves the Eldar and thus began the world in the Eyes of the Eldar. After a short time the Gelus made man, Humans. In an effort to destroy their work Pravuis created Orcs and goblins. the first war of Beleriand marked the first bloodshed. The Eldar were masters of the MAgic passed down to them from the Gelus but Man held far more skill in weaponry and the ability to be dynamic in their basic nature. Thus the war eventually turned into a stalemate. After seven years of this war (In the year 3,890) Pravius created Dragons, Vampires, Werewolves, and many other creatures of the dark. In response to him the Gelus created Nagas, Halflings, the Good dragons, and the light wraiths. At this time Pravius created the Dark wraiths and the Vanators.

In the year 4081 the first kingdom of Adaline was formed and the Dark elves first emerged and created Iejir.

The Dragons were the original design of Pravius. All dragons of regular color are the most evil and devilish of creatures. However, when the Gelus saw the dragons and their wasted beauty they created the metallic dragons, or the good dragons. The dragons are often found in mountains either hoarding or working on powerful magic.

In the year 1893 Ipsimus saw what was being done by both the Gelus and Pravius. He was not pleased with their methods of creating a world. In an effort to stimulate their efforts he formed an Island with majestic wonders and magic far stronger than anywhere else in Mundus. Then he sent this island down into Mundus. Deep inside the island's mountains he formed the dwarves, thought they would not awaken until after man had awakened. Since then the dwarves have been very secretive and more wise and knowledgeable in the ways of Mundus. However, humans came and began to take over the land they called Lasirith. The dwarves began to spread into the world. It was at this time that the dwarves named Mundus Fanulf.

The year is 5378 and the world has changed. In Lasirith magic has been outlawed outside of the government and military. The influence of Trynita has finally reached Dorwine as the slave trade increases in size.


Chapter 1: Arrival

Nivter Allusin stepped onto the docks of Aliren with confidence. His mind was not on the trivial matters of where to go next or what to do but rather on taking in the view. A slight breeze blew by him, blowing his neck length grey hair only slightly. His silver eyes darted around him, taking in all the sights of the docks. He watched for a short time as the dock workers unloaded a few crates smiling as they worked. As Nivter began to turn down the road ahead of him a child ran up to him.

"Hello sir! Could you please spare some change?" The child's voice was quiet compared to the rest of the hustle and bustle around Nivter but his keen elf ears picked up what the boy said.

"Hello young man! What do you need the money for?" Nivter's eyes seemed to narrow slightly at the boy but the look vanished quickly. His gaze remained on the boy with a seemingly all seeing look about him.

"I am so very hungry... none of the people here care about us orphans." The boy started to cry, "Please help me." Nivter looked around with just his eyes before taking on a pitying look.

"Ahh well... I am so sorry. I don't have any money on me. I just arrived from Dorwine and I spent all of my money on the trip here. I wish I could help but I just cannot right now." The boy looked up at Nivter with tears in his eyes. After a moment the boy saw the knowing look in Nivter's eyes, the boy had been caught scoping Nivter out for money. The boy dried his eyes and tipped his cap to Nivter as he ran into the crowd. Nivter sighed and began walking down the path to the center of town...

As Nivter rounded the first corner smells of roast meat and fresh bread greeted his nose. Just ahead of him was an Inn called "The Pot Bellied Pegasus." Nivter approached the inn with no hesitation. Inside the smells that had only been light outside overwhelmed the senses. Nivter took a deep breath, finally a warm meal! He walked up to the bar with a slight grin.

"Hey bartender! May I have a menu please?" Nivter's voice rang with a pleasant disposition. The bartender, Gaedi Hildison, smiled at Nivter as he brought a menu over to him.

"Hello there! You here for the festival?" Gaedi seemed like he new the answer already, everyone he had talked to had been talking about the festival.

"Of course! How could I miss the Festival of Uthwix!" This time Nivter's voice was overflowing with sarcasm. Gaedi stepped back a little with a frown. Nivter was not what he expected him to be. Gaedi brushed it off quickly and raised an eyebrow before presenting the menu.

Nivter began reading the menu intently looking at each dish and pondering his decision. Suddenly he stopped. Nivter noticed that there was no number twelve on the menu. The dishes were labeled 10, 11, 13, 14 but there was no twelve. A thin smile spread on Nivter's mouth and he turned to Gaedi.

"Bartender: Where do the darastrix fly?" Nivter's question seemed to puzzle Gaedi but he remembered that darastrix was another word for dragon... or at least he thought so.

"That depends on their color. Though I would venture to guess that they fly where they please." As Gaedi began speaking Nivter stood up and stopped listing to him.

"Yes of course... Well Mr. Hildison. Who is the owner of this establishment?"

"Oh! That would be Grassi Norvelton. He is in the office. Why do you need him?" Gaedi's voice betrayed his confusion and worry about Nivter.

"I must speak to him about a matter of extreme importance." Nivter leaned forward and smiled slightly. Gaedi, not wanting to cause a scene gestured Nivter to the back room.

"Alright. Go on ahead then." Without a second thought Nivter swiftly wove through the bar and to the back door. As he entered the small room his nose was assaulted with the strong fragrance of incense. In the middle of the room, on many pillows, sat a balding man in a silk robe surrounded by smoke from the incense. Nivter sat accross from him and spoke softly.

"Si tepoha vi selgtarn di jennu rigluin ekess ukris zahae." Grassi quickly sat upright and his eyes opened like lightning. His eyes quickly looked over Nivter.

"Geou jaesk waph?"

"Drong waph jaesk!" With this final statement from Nivter, Grassi broke into a huge smile.

"Hello! I know you not but you are indeed a brother!" Grassi stood up with Nivter as they embraced.

"I would hope so. You must be Grassi. I am here to find out why I was summoned to Brinoriand." Nivter's voice was gleeful but sharp.

"Ahh you must be the urcaxic ricinic they told me might show up." Grassi looked around as if checking for intruders, "Are we secure?" Nivter squinted slightly, a purple light shone in his eyes.

"We are secure. Nobody is listening." Grassi relaxed before launching into his narrative.

"Alright listen close. A few days ago the governor of this region named Cavello died in a horse accident. At first no one thought anything of it. Then suddenly the nearby governor forbid anyone to look at or examine the body in any way. We are not sure but this new governor was extremely defensive about the body. We sent in a japachi sthyr and he came back with the information that the governor was not killed by his horse but by a Gnome named Philipe. We need you to find out why Cavallo was killed and who hired Philipe."

"Alright. I know who he is but I don't know where he is. What information do we have on Philipe?" Nivter seemed calm but his eyes were bright with excitement.

"I am afraid that I don't know anything else. We fear that something could be happening that is much larger than just a few regions in Brinoriand." Grassi shrugged with his comment.

"I will need some time to get established in this city. Thank you for what you have given." Nivter turned to leave. Grassi quickly grabbed his shoulder.

"You are welcome Mr....?" Grassi's question made Nivter's face go dark.

"Drong waph jaesk Mr. Norvelton." The cold, harsh words left a dead silence behind them. Nivter turned and exited the room without another word.

Grassi stayed there for several minutes, standing in place.

"Drong waph jaesk." Grassi turned slowly and went back to his meditation, though he was restless for the remainder of the evening... 

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